Tuesday, March 3, 2009

witching hour

Anna Jane's tips for fighting the evening fussies:
1. Get someone to stick you in the sling so tight you can barely move.
2. Take a tour of the (very few) rooms in your house.
3. Make several passes in front of the bookshelves. Oooooh, the books. Pretty.
4. Books not interesting. Get someone to sing. Anything. Loudly.
5. Stare at the fussy baby in the mirror. Who is she? What's she mad about, anyway?
6. Suck your thumb continuously.
7. Bounce rapidly.
8. Change positions.
9. Go outside and walk up and down by the park. Look at the streetlights.
10. Take off all of those bunchy clothes.
11. Bathe.
12. Sit in the vibrating seat. Vibrate.
13. Have someone blow raspberries on your belly.
14. Eat.
15. Listen to the vacuum cleaner.
16. Get someone to lift you up and make airplane noises.
17. Any strange noises will do, really.
18. Repeat.


  1. O Zo, the evening fussies sound miserable. I miss you two. Soon?

  2. Let me just say that list is literally IDENTICAL to what i used to do with my little sister to get her to stop the fussies. Seriously. Continuous distraction. I think we all have our versions of that as we grow up, things to shift our focus from feelin fussy. I know i do. i should make a list of the adult version of that. In some ways, it's the same stuff. Movement. Colors. Sounds. Vibrations. etc.
    1. sex
    2. drugs
    3. rock n' roll

    just kidding. kind of.
